Ouachita County Medical Center Emergency and Surgery Renovation

This was a substantial renovation project that spanned 14,850 SF and involved both the emergency and surgery departments. To minimize disruption to hospital operations, the project was thoughtfully divided into multiple phases.

The first phase of the project involved the construction of a new Emergency Department, necessitating the demolition of Same-Day Surgery, Additionally, a new GI Lab and Scope Cleansing Room were constructed in the existing OR #4 and adjacent corridor. To ensure safety, re-roofing and the installation of sprinklers were added to Phase 1 areas.

Phase 2 focused on the creation of new support spaces to replace the surgical support areas in the existing surgery suite. Concurrently, the current Emergency Department was demolished, and new operating rooms and a connecting hallway were constructed. Similar to Phase 1, relevant areas were re-roofed and outfitted with sprinklers.

In Phase 3, the surgical suite back corridor was equipped with sprinklers, and OR #5 and #6 received mechanical upgrades. Finally, the last phase involved the installation of sprinklers in “No-Other-Work” areas of the surgical suite.

“The hospital’s CEO has commented numerous times on how much she appreciates the work they have done and how conscientious they are while working in and around hospital staff and patients.”

Project Details


Ouachita County Medical Center


Camden, Arkansas


Polk Stanley Wilcox

Completion Date

November 2016